not a fool
according to his folly,
Lest thou also be like him.
Answer a fool
according to his folly,
Lest he be wise in his own conceit.
26:4-5 (KJV)
do not sit with the deceitful,
nor do I associate with hypocrites.
I abhor the assembly of evildoers
refuse to sit with the wicked.
26:4-5 (NIV)
You can fool
all the people
some of the time,
but you can't fool
all the people
all the time.
learned fool
is more of a fool
than an ignorant fool.

Enemy Within is the existential threat to democracy. The Enemy
Within is the Deep State, also known as the Shadow Government.
They seek to control your speech, privacy, and choices. It is
Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World on steroids.
Red Hiding Hood is really the big bad wolf disguised like the
little girl in the old fairy tale. Kamala is all trick, no policy.
Beware! |

Nostradamus was alive today, he would be calling the major news
services with his dire predictions. They might read something
like in this image parody. |
metaphor for Big Pharma's crimes against humanity. The clown is
Doctor Fauci, who is responsible for millions of deaths and injuries
from Covid and the fraudulent "safe and effective" vaccine.
Rand Paul wants Fauci to go to jail. But the Democrat controlled
Justice Department will let him escape. |
called Biden a Manchurian Candidate. We are losing our freedoms,
our moral compass and systematically being destroyed by Biden's
China policies. |
who support freedom and liberty, the constitution, christianity,
pro-life, voter ID, border security are called "extremists"
by the Biden administration. |

the Great White Whale, badly wounded, but undefeated, he rose
up from the cruel dark sea for retribution. Donald Trump rises
again in 2024 and will become president once more.
I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will,
I'll go to it laughing. - Herman Melville |
6: 4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power
was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth,
and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto
him a great sword. |
can't comply your way out of tyranny.
lawyer with the briefcase can steal more money than the man with
the gun. - Mario Puzo, The Godfather |
story of the Capitol riots. Democrats fabricated a false crime
to coverup another crime, that covers up the original crime. A
hit job on Trump and his followers. A futile desperate attempt
to stay in power. Pathetic. |
laptop... The devil is in the details. Evidence of the "Big
Guy" and his influence peddling, election fraud, and treasonous
trading with the enemy is all there. The Democrat controlled
DOJ and FBI is protecting the Bidens from indictments and prosecution.
weaponized justice system is no justice system at all. It is tyranny,
plain and simple. Indicting Trump is a travesty of justice and
the American people should not tolerate it. This is political
persecution and election interference. |

truth about January 6 was exposed on national TV over the objections
of those who sought to cover it up.

train derailment of toxic chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio has
contaminated a large area making the air not safe to breathe and
water unsafe to drink, despite the testing. Thousands of wild
life and farm animals have died. Deadly dioxin was created and
released when the vinyl chloride was set on fire. Why? This area
will be contaminated many years because dioxins are "persistent
organic pollutants" meaning they take a long time to break
down once they are in the environment. Dioxins are highly toxic
and can cause cancer, reproductive and developmental problems,
damage to the immune system, and can interfere with hormones.
Is East Palestine another Camp Lejeune? |
Blue Beam is a holographic illusion projected in the sky that
looks real but meant to deceive people into believing it's a
religious or ufo event.
landed on the White House lawn and said "Take me to your
leader." What leader?
billionaire Klaus Schwab opened the 2023 World Economic Forums
(WEF) annual meeting addressing the 'Masters of Our Future' by
thanking the attendees for making it during a time of so
many crises simultaneously (of their own making), and calling
on them to master the future. Telling comments made
by Klaus Schwab in his Dr. Evil speech at the WEF in Davos. And
what exactly is our future if they are the masters? |

or BCI (Brain Computer Interface) technology is just over the
horizon. Transhumanism is the goal of globalists and a chip in
your head is the first step in you becoming a cyborg, There are
practical medical uses for this kind of super technology, but
as with all scientific advances there are also terrible consequences
for society as a whole when used for human control... the loss
of personal privacy and autonomy. Orwell and Huxley warned about
a future where people will be the property of the state. Individual
freedom will become a thing of the past and will disappear down
the memory hole of history. The shape of the future is in your
very own hands. Resistance and non-compliance will always defeat
tyrannical governments. Remember this. |

truth and dire warnings to the indifferent and brainwashed does
not free shackled minds. Most of humanity is prepared for submission.
They need to be told what to do by people who are apathetic to
their best interests, who are clueless and ignorant. Then there
are those who just don't care or who are true sociopaths. They
all contribute to tyranny without realizing the dangerous consequences
of their actions. Some are scared and fear for thier safety, reluctantly
giving up their freedoms and obeying unconstitutional rules. They
remain silent and think they will not be next. Those who get it,
got it and they don't need to be awakened. Many don't understand
and will never understand. They are infected with mass formation
psychosis and subjected to fool-headed woke indoctrination by
the mainstream media and government institutions. I dont
blame some people because they are subliminally programmed to
live in their daily routines and thats it. Eat, drink, breathe,
give birth, work, watch tv, eat pizza on Saturday night, go watch
the game. Their world ends there. On the other hand, there is
a very small group of people that are aware and recognize evil.
They have escaped the mind control devices of the system. They
are few, they are heretics, they are warriors, and they are free.

corporate medical establishment and controlled media attitude
towards people reporting, seeking answers, and complaining about
vaccine adverse reactions reminds me of a bad joke I heard many
years ago when I was a kid in grammar school. Today, this is not
a laughing matter and a very real and serious issue. But the joke
was this: A young boy complained to his mother why he had hair
growing all over his face. The mother could not tell the child
that he was bitten by a werewolf. Instead, she earnestly said
to him, "Shut up and comb your face." The vaccine companies,
media and corrupt governments are in total denial and in coverup
mode about the pain and suffering caused by the covid vaccine
and boosters.
athletes and celebrities dropping dead suddenly is not just
a coincidence. Doctors are afraid of losing their license
to practice, so they, along with some popular social media platforms,
educational institutions still perpetuate the Big Lie that the
vaccines are safe and effective and the side effects are caused
by other patient health issues. If you follow "the science"
it will lead to the money, and not to the cure.

the senseless slaughter of athletes, celebrities, and children.
End the covid jabs. Look at the real data. |
parody logo of the grievously, criminally liable, and pure evil
big pharma company. |

ominous green comet is passing by Earth. A national security crisis
may impeach and remove President Biden from office in the coming
months ahead. Timing is everything. |
enough yet of hearing about the Biden "classified documents"
garage garbage? It's just a pile of trashed files, a political
frame-up to get Biden checkmated and removed. |

dozen eggs today costs more than a gallon of gas. The purpose
of an egg is to make more chickens, or is it the other way around?
are no shortages of farmed foods. Farmers are losing their farmland
to greedy corporate investors and government tyranny. Don't believe
the insane climate change and inflation policies governments are
trying to impose on you. The high cost of natural farm products
like eggs and meats is destroying our normal way of life. The
World Economic Forum's plan to force us to eat grasshoppers and
meal worms is a diabolical scheme that is pure evil and anti-human.
Refuse to accept digital banking and social credit scores controlled
by AI. Wake up. Inform and unite your family, friends and neighbors
against the coming false flag economic collapse. You have been
warned. Prepare now. |

are living in Orwell's "Animal Farm" and comply like
sheep suffering from Stockholm syndrome with mass formation psychosis. |
fool can make a rule. And any fool will mind it.
Henry David Thoreau
long and winding road following the science that will lead to
the end of humanity as we know it.

product, service, or enterprise that generates ongoing, high net,
and free cash flows. The image below illustrates this definition. |

we have here is failure to communicate," or even worse than
failure, a complete intolerance of legitimate questions or even
actual facts and data that contradict and disprove the standing
policy of the medical establishment. The quacks are running the
institutions. The medical profession is being crushed by a tyrannical
group of health organizations that is undermining the knowledge
and wisdom of experienced medical doctors, and has ordered forced
compliance to the entire profession. "Do no harm" has
turned into 'Do as you're told' or lose your job and career. Well,
what is happening is a systematic plan of world domination by
a clique of elitist control freaks to take over human life from
conception to death. They will succeed if each and every one of
us does not resist and push back. It's the final tug of war between
the forces of good and evil. You may have to make sacrifices and
change your way of life to defeat those who want to destroy you.
They can only win if you let them. |

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